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Fish puree

fish puree recipe
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Fish puree recipe

Low-calorie fish

Recipe for 5 people (185 Kcal/ person)

Preparation time

35 mins

Cooking time

15 mins


  • 200 g of fish meat of your choice (or 200 g of shrimp cooked peeled + 100 g hake)
  • 1 egg white
  • 25 g of shallots
  • 25 g of fresh cream 0% fat
  • 2,5 cl of dry white wine
  • Butter to coat mould
  • Salt and pepper


Coat with melted butter 8 ramekins or soufflé moulds

Prepare the puree

Chop the raw fish with the shallots

Add the whipped egg whites

Salt and pepper

Slowly incorporate the fresh cream into the whipped mixture

Add the white wine and mix

Divide the preparation between the different moulds

Cook for 15 mins in the bain-marie

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fish puree recipe

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