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Ham aspic

ham aspic low calorie recipe
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Ham aspic recipe

Low-calorie starter

Recipe for 4 servings (75 Kcal / serving)

Preparation time

20 minutesLet it cool for 4 hours in the fridge


  • 60 g of cooked ham
  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 100 g of tomatoes (favor seasonal fruits and vegetables)
  • 1 packet of dehydrated jelly
  • Capers, pickles
  • Chopped parsley


Prepare the jelly and pour a small quantity in the bottom of each ramekin and let it set in the refrigerator

Display neatly all the ingredients at the bottom of each ramekin and cover with the leftover jelly

Put it back in the refrigerator


  1. Sea food aspic (60 Kcal / serving)
    Replace the cooked ham by 100 g of cooked shrimp

  1. Vegetable Aspic (50 Kcal / serving)
    Replace the cooked ham by 200 g of cooked vegetables ( carrots, green beans, cauliflower ) cut in small pieces

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ham aspic low calorie recipe

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